Novavax Clings Onto Nasdaq Listing Following COVID-19 Vaccine Victory

Novavax President and CEO Stanley Erck in 2020. Photo by Shutterstock (10572597k)

After 33 years of operational difficulties, American vaccine development company Novavax has finally received approval for its COVID-19 vaccine shot. According to testing results, the Novavax vaccine has efficacy rates that are of a similar level to the vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech as well as Moderna.

As the first vaccine approval in the company’s history, Novavax’s COVID-19 shot proved to be the financial success that it needed to fend off the ever-looming threat of having to delist from the Nasdaq composite index. Instead, Novavax shares have skyrocketed this year by a margin of 106% to a price of $229.

With a current market value of $15.4 billion, this vaccine development firm has been running late-stage vaccine trials in the United States, the results of which are expected to be released next month.

Should the two-shot vaccine be authorized for use, the next challenge for Novavax would be to develop the capacity to distribute the vaccine in large quantities. In 2019, the firm sold a large portion of its manufacturing assets in an effort to recover some of the capital that it desperately needed to remain above ground.

Mathew C
After obtaining a BCom degree, Mathew got his start in data analytics. He then shifted his focus to online content, where he discovered his true passion. Today, Mathew expresses his love for all things content through his business, Mathew Cohen Media Consulting.